Sunday, March 25, 2007

the last day of (aca)

the last day of (aca), originally uploaded by marcofrey.

i sold this painting a few months ago and was just recently looking at this photo of it. i love the relationship between the 3 figures, the largest one in the back, half a head and confusing our space. the front figure hollow except her flat dress. the horizontal and darkness of the middle figure contrasting the vertical colors in the background.

as you can tell from the title, i painted this on the last day of aca. our community education class was technically the last class at the school. movers where already clearing out rooms and furniture. there was a sign on the school store that read "closed forever". the school was deserted and we were all very sad to leave. i guess i felt like all three of the figures, pensive, dark and hollow in a space that doesn't really exist (anymore).

i haven't painted much since then and i think i just needed a break. i was sad to see the end of the atlanta college of art. i miss it.

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