Sunday, February 27, 2011

now that freen zip .likesoup.

now that freen zip .likesoup., originally uploaded by marcofrey.

this is also an older painting and always makes me smile. i love that there is just so much going on..

studio shot

studio shot, originally uploaded by marcofrey.

here's a peak into my studio in case you are curious and would like to see...


sunbathers, originally uploaded by marcofrey.

here's an old but fun painting... i remember not being able to get their heads just right with the paint, so i wiped them off and actually thought of leaving them headless but instead drew in their heads...

Friday, February 18, 2011


untitled, originally uploaded by marcofrey.

here's the newest new painting. it wasn't painted over an older painting. eula had the plant and the shape of the leaves really appealed to me. it was actually a non flowering plant with dark green leaves.


spine, originally uploaded by marcofrey.

here's the newest old painting. it's the newest old painting because i painted over an older painting that i never really liked. for this version, i thinned the figure, painted the red spine, painted over the background and added the dried flowers... it's much nicer now, trust me.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011


untitled, originally uploaded by marcofrey.

another new painting... this one was very haphazard in how it became this person looking back over the house and landscape. then again, most of paintings just sort of happen like that.. i don't like to plan anything, i just start by putting some paint down and let it become something...

Monday, February 07, 2011


marco, originally uploaded by marcofrey.

here's my latest self portrait - it's been a while since my last one and i wanted to do something a little different.. the background is made up of receipts from my recent purchases - i thought this would add a nice layer to a self portrait.